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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Help! I lost my Login/Password.

Please open a Ticket.

Help! My Internet isn't working!!

Please write a Ticket in our ticket system.

Help! I can't browse to the GHB-website.

There can be two reasons. Your hardware is broken (broken Wire or broken network jack) or we've blocked your internetaccess for bad behavior (like IP-thievery). Please write in both cases a Ticket in our ticket system.

How do I connect to the internet?

  1. Connect your network cable to your computer.
  2. Type into your browser
  3. Register yourself and LOGIN. (You only need to register, when you haven't already an account)
  4. Create an Host (My Account -> Host -> "Create Host").
  5. "Hostname" is the name of your computer.
  6. "MAC" should be preconfigured. (Also check the section "I'd like to use my Router here in the GHB." or "Where is my MAC-Address?" when you register from a different computer).
  7. "Firewall" should be setted on "Windows Workstation".
  8. Click on "Submit".
  9. Wait until an Admin accept your Account. (Only for new registrations.)
  10. Restart your computer.

Where is my MAC-address?

The MAC-address consists of 12 characters (0-9, A-F) e.g.: 00:1BF:4A:3D:98:4E

  1. Router (other manufacturer then TP-Link): On the back of your device.
  2. TP-Link Router: Login to the Webinterface of your Router and look for the WAN MAC-Address. The MAC-Address on the back of your router is in case of TP-Link the MAC address of the LAN ports and usually only one digit different to the WAN MAC-Address you need.
  3. Windows: Start -> search for "cmd" -> open "cmd.exe" -> enter "ipconfig /all" and confirm -> the 12-digit string (Physical Address) in the sub-item "Ethernet Adapter "(the one with the most text) is your MAC-address.
  4. Mac OS X: Open over your Finder a Terminal -> enter "ifconfig" and confirm -> you'll find your MAC-address under "HWaddr" in the sub-item "en0".
  5. Linux: Open a Terminal (depending on your desktopenvironment how) -> enter "ifconfig" and confirm -> you'll find your MAC-address under "HWaddr" in the sub-item "$whatever$0" (mostly "eth0", "p1p1").

I'd like to use the internet with my Phone/Laptop over WLAN.

It's possible when you use an Router/a Access Point. For best performance and as many devices as you want choose a Router which is able to make NAT. Just registere the MAC of the WAN Port of the router in your Host configuration.

I'd like to use my Router here in the GHB.

To use your Router in the GHB, you have to create an new host under MyAccount -> Hosts -> "createHost". Set a name for your Router and enter the MAC-address on the back of your device. For the Firewall "Windows Workstation" is ok.

You're suggesting to use a Router/an Access Point or Switch. What should I buy?

We mainly suggest you to buy a Router. A Router is using NAT and creates an own Subnet. In this Subnet you can connect as many clients as you want and you still have only to register one host (your router) on the GHB-Website.
An Access Point/Switch is only an extention for your Networkbus in your room. When you connect an Access Point/Switch you have to register all hosts you want to connect to the outer network.
Please don't buy an ADSL-Router. A recommendation is the "TP-Link Archer C6" (~35€) or the TP-Link Archer C7 (~60€). Going cheaper than the C6 price category often doesn't make much sense as you are loosing speed.

I'd like to use my third computer.

Please open a Ticket.

How do i delete an old host?

After LOGIN MyAccount -> Hosts -> click "ToDeletedHost" -> "delete Host". Make sure that the host has no more traffic left.

I move this Semester in an other room.

Please don't create a new account. After LOGIN on "MyAccount" -> "request room change". Enter your new room and wait for confirmation.

I've written a Ticket and haven't an answer after 5 minutes!!!!!!!

This could be, because we run this job on a volunteer basis and do not always find the time to respond to your tickets immediately. Patience is here the key.